Legal Sanctions


Whiskyjack Treatment Centre is Nationally Accredited by the Canadian Accreditation Council (CAC) Since 2012.


Whiskyjack Treatment Centre Inc. is a non-profit organization and is incorporated under the Province of Manitoba. The stakeholders of the corporation are Norway House Cree Nation, Cross Lake First Nation and MKO (Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak).


Whiskyjack Treatment Centre is a licensed Child Care Facility sanctioned by the Province of Manitoba and governed by the Child Protection Laws and Regulations of the Province of Manitoba. The license to operation a child care facility is an annual application.

Safety Inspections

Inspections are scheduled annually and the licensing specialist visits twice annually.

  1. Child Care Facilities License
  2. Environmental Health Inspection
  3. Monthly Fire Extinguisher Inspection
  4. Smoke/Fire Alarm Inspection
  5. Fire Safety Inspections Regulation
  6. Emergency Lighting Service
  7. Generator Inspection