Community Partnerships and Relationships

Whiskyjack Treatment Centre is expected to maintain positive relationships with the community agencies through participation on committees, presentations and educational sessions.

Partnership and relationships are formed by way of extending outreach services to the communities we serve. WTC affiliates with the community agencies through provision of professional services at conferences, cultural and traditional gatherings, women, men and elder gatherings, youth programs, school visitations and assisting in festival committees.

WTC also partners with the RCMP, Public Health Units, Natural Resources, Manitoba Hydro, Recreation Divisions and local professional people, i.e. authors, artists, canoe paddlers, york boat rowers, etc.

WTC will conduct surveys with service users, NNADAP, referral workers, etc. to get feedback on services and ideas and suggestions based on experience.

It is necessary that Whiskyjack Treatment Centre maintains positive communication and relationships with the communities they serve.